I have been investing in the stock market since 1988, when I opened
an IRA with $2,000. I started Stockboy.com to provide a forum
for me and my friends to discuss stocks and trade ideas.
After a while, it seemed like I was posting 90 to 95% of the comments
on Stockboy.com, so I figured, what the heck, it'll be a Web site
with one user in mind - me! Anyone else with access to the Web
is invited to contribute comments in Open Forum. Also, I hope
that some of my analysis, opinions, and stock trading history
will be valuable to others.
So with me as the primary user of this site, I have structured
Stockboy.com to:
1. provide quick access to the most valuable investing Web sites
2. provide myself the ability to record a log in Open Forum to
see my transaction history and opinions over the years
3. provide fodder for interesting conversation with my friends
when I make great picks, as well as horrible picks